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Image by Alexander Schimmeck






Can I use Azos in an aquaponics system? Will it harm the fish?

Yes, Azos can be used in aquaponic system and it will not harm fish. It will work if you are growing herbs or tomatoes.

Is there a specific pH water level for using Azos?

If you are using Azos for cloning, the recommended pH level is 6.

After I mix it, how long can I keep it for?

Mix for immediate use, no longer than 24 hrs.

Can I mix Azos with the rest of my nutrients?

It’s best to apply by itself because a lot of other nutrients have mineral salt that can kill the bacteria.

When using Azos, what is the application rate for starting from seed?

For germinating seed, Azos should be mixed with water at a diluted rate. We have not established an exact “ideal application rate”, but a safe dosage would be 2 teaspoons per cup of water. When germinating seeds, the easiest method is to fold a paper towel in half. Set the seeds on the paper towel, spaced 1-2” apart. Fold the paper towel so that it is covering the seeds. Moisten the paper towel using the Azos/water solution, so that it is moist, but not soaking wet. Dampness is key, not “drowning”. The paper towel can then be placed inside a zip lock bag or preferably, placed on a glass plate. Take a second glass plate and cover the first one so that it is “dark” and not exposed to light. This is an ideal environment for germinating seeds.


Once the seeds begin to sprout and a tap root is showing, either place the seeds in a cup full of soil or (in/use) a grow plug.



When using a propogation (clone) machine, what is the application rate for Azos?

For propagation machines: (ex. EZ cloner, Turbo cloner)

1. Adjust pH of water to 6.0.

2. Add 1 tbsp Azos per gallon of water

Keep water well agitated with air stones. No other additives, dips/gels, or products needed.


Can I apply Azos as a foliar spray?

No, you will not see a benefit from using this soil born microbe as a foliar option.


Can I add Azos to my compost tea?

Yes you can, however only add Azos right before applying your compost tea as a root drench. Do not brew your compost tea with Azos as part of the initial brewing ingredients.

Can I combine Azos with Mykos during the transplanting process?

Yes, both soil microbes work symbiotically with each other as well as with your host plant.


Can I use H2O2 as part of my feeding regiment when using Azos?

No, the H2O2 will kill your beneficial fungi’s and bacteria’s.


What are the best application rates for Mykos?


1 - 3 gal container: 1 - 2 tbsp

5 - 7 gal container: 4 - 6 tbsp

10 - 20 gal container: 1/2 cup

25 - 50 gal container: 1 cup

100 gal container: 2 cups


Does Mykos need to be re-applied after time of transplant--initial application?

No, Mykos will live for the life of your plant and continue to develop, unless fungicides or high-P (Phosphorus) fertilizers are applied in an inorganic (chemical, mineral salt) form. However, re-applying Mykos in a short term crop cycle (12-14 week indoor grow), can be greatly beneficial. This is where Mykos WP is an ideal addition. Mykos fungi takes time to inoculate and colonize a root system. Often times, in indoor grows, gardeners only VEG their plants (meaning allow their plants to “grow” using a 18/6 or 24 hours light period) for 2-3 weeks. They then force the plants to start flowering or budding by changing the light cycle to 12 hours on, followed by 12 hours off. This mimics what happens in nature as the season’s change and the days grow shorter. The plants change from vegetative growth, to bud and flower production.

Adding more Mykos, in the form of our water-soluble powder can increase the rate of colonization and spore reproduction. Think of it like “reinforcements”, if you start with 100 spores, they will inoculate and replicate at a specific rate. If you add more, there are more spores and propagules to help increase the rate of colonization.

In indoor environments with a short grow cycle of 2-3 weeks before “flower”, you want to maximize your root growth so that you have as many roots as possible in the flowering stage to bring in as much of the nutrients & moisture to increase yields.


Is Mykos organic?

Yes, it is double certified with OMRI and the CDFA and its free range!! No cages here.


Can Actinovate (which is a fungicide) be used with Mykos?

Yes…...the two microbes “get along” together and will not harm the Mykos.

Actinovate also comes in Actino-Iron form.


Can using more Mykos than directed be harmful to my plants

No. Mykos is a mixture of biology and inert ingredients. Using more than directed will not harm your plant.


Can I use H2O2 as part of my feeding regiment when using Mykos?

No, the H2O2 will kill your beneficial fungi’s and bacteria’s.

How many propagaules are in 1 tbsp of Mykos?

1 tablespoon weighs 12.5 grams.

There is 300 propagules / gram.


There is atleast 3,750 propagules per tablespoon

How many tablespoons are there in 1 pound of Mykos?

36 tbsp / 1 lb of Mykos




Proudly cultivated and packaged in California, USA.

(800) 784-4769


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